What? You're Only Endorsing 2 Candidates in the Primary?
A lot of people wonder why we --the Marin County Republican Central Committee-- aren't endorsing a Presidential candidate or a Senate candidate. The answer is simple, although we all have a favorite we usually don't weigh in on the "big races" until after you, the Republican Primary voters have made your choice. We will automatically --and probably joyfully-- back our eventual nominee. But, we don't endorse presidential candidates until after the Primary. The same goes for Senate. We actually have an exhaustive process for endorsing our Congressional and Assembly candidates. Our endorsed Assembly candidate who was UNANIMOUSLY endorsed by the Central Committee back in 2023 has been on a year-long candidate journey. Andy Podshadley first started to seriously think about running for Assembly District 12 in March of 2023. He attended the Spring California GOP convention and was inspired by a speech he heard about laying the groundwork and running serious campaigns in tough districts. So, Andy spent the Summer of 2023 laying the groundwork and making contacts with committed Republican volunteers. He was endorsed first by the SonomaGOP and then unanimously endorsed by the MarinGOP in the Fall of 2023. At the time we endorsed Andy no other Republican had entered the race. After being endorsed by the SonomaGOP and the MarinGOP Andy was endorsed by the CAGOP. You can see the full list of endorsed CAGOP candidates by clicking here.
The process is more complex for a Congressional endorsement. Our Congressional district stretches from the Golden Gate bridge to the Oregon border, thus to get the endorsement a Republican candidate needs to get the majority of endorsements in multiple counties. A Republican front runner can easily fail to get the endorsement even if he or she is the clear favorite. Chris Coulombe, our endorsed Congressional Candidate also started his march towards an endorsement over a year ago. He is now the unanimous favorite of North Coast Republicans. The MarinGOP has been pleased to host both Chris Coulombe and Andy Podshadley at various events over the past few months.