Local Politics
Did you know that Marin has over 30 different municipalities or "census designated places"?
Living in Marin County we have the unique privilege of living in the least populated county in the Bay Area. Nevertheless, Marin is incredibly complex. At the MarinGOP we focus on local politics. We know that Olema, San Anselmo, Nicasio, Fairfax, Tiburon and every other community in the county have unique issues. If you want to learn more about some of Marin's unique communities scroll down. Every Marin community is listed in alphabetical order.

City of Belvedere
The city of Belvedere was incorporated in 1896 and currently has a population of approximately 2,000. The voting population of Belvedere is roughly 19% percent Republican.
Belvedere's 5 member city council typically meets on the 2nd Monday of every month.
Three seats on the Belvedere city council will be up for election in 2024. Two seats will be up for election in 2026.

Unincorporated Census Designated Place
The first post office in Bolinas was opened in 1863. Bolinas currently has a population of roughly 1,500 people. The voting population of Bolinas is roughly 3.5% Republican.
Most of the basic services for Bolinas are provided by the Bolinas Community Public Utility District.
The BCPUD is governed by a 5 member board of directors. Members of the board are elected, or appointed, in staggered 4 year terms.

Corte Madera
Town of Corte Madera
The town of Corte Madera currently has a population of approximately 9,000. The voting population of Corte Madera is roughly 11% percent Republican.
Corte Madera's 5 member town council typically meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month.
Two seats on the Corte Madera town council will be up for election in 2024. Three seats will be up for election in 2026.

Dillon Beach
Census Designated Place
Dillon Beach is named after George Dillon, an Irish immigrant, who settled in West Marin in the 1850s. Dillon Beach became a tourist destination by the mid 1880s.
Today Dillon Beach has a population of approximately 280. The voting population of Dillon Beach is approximately 4.9% Republican. All of the voters who live in Dillon Beach live in Supervisorial District 4.

Town of Fairfax
The town of Fairfax currently has a population of approximately 7,600. The voting population of Fairfax is roughly 5.39% percent Republican.
Fairfax's 5 member town council typically meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month.
Three seats on the Fairfax town council will be up for election in 2024. Two seats will be up for election in 2026.

Forest Knolls
Census Designated Place
Forest Knolls is typically aggregated with Lagunitas in the census. The combined population of Forest Knolls and Lagunitas is approximately 1,800 people.
The voting population of Forest Knolls is roughly 5.55% Republican. All of the voters who live in Forest Knolls live in Supervisorial District 4.

Unincorporated Community*
Greenbrae is a stereotypical post World War II suburban development. Few, if any, of the residential structures in Greenbrae pre-date 1946. The voting population of Greenbrae is roughly 12% percent Republican.
Some Greenbrae residents live in an area that has been annexed by the city of Larkspur. If you think you may live in the "Larkpur" part of Greenbrae but are not sure, please contact us and ask what offices you are eligible to vote for, or run for.
Greenbrae is part of Supervisorial District 2.

Census Designated Place
Inverness is one of the oldest communities in West Marin county. It has been a tourist destination since the 1890s. The current population of Inverness is approximately 1,300. The voting population of Inverness is roughly 5.5% percent Republican.
Inverness is part of Supervisorial District 4.

Census Designated Place
One of the oldest communities in Marin, Kentfield is notable for being family friendly. Kentfield, proportionally, has more "young voters" and "pre voters" than any other community in Marin. The voting population of Kentfield is roughly 14.71% percent Republican. If you are the Republican parent of a Kentfield pre-voter please talk about politics with your children.
Kentfield is part of Supervisorial District 2.

Census Designated Place
Lagunitas is typically aggregated with Forest Knolls in the census. The combined population of Lagunitas and Forest Knolls is approximately 1,800 people.
The voting population of Lagunitas is roughly 5% Republican. All of the voters who live in Lagunitas live in Supervisorial District 4.

City of Larkspur
The city of Larkspur currently has a population of approximately 12,900. The voting population of Larkspur is roughly 11.39% percent Republican.
Larkspur's 5 member town council typically meets on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month.
Two seats on the Larkspur city council will be up for election in 2024. Three seats will be up for election in 2026.

Marin City
Census Designated Place
The story of Marin City is the story of Marin County as it evolved during, and after, World War II. Prior to WWII, most of the area now known as "Marin City" was a dairy farm. During the war, as the shipyards boomed, there was a severe need for local housing and Marin City became a stereotypical wartime boomtown. By 1944 Marin City housed over five thousand workers, most of whom were working for one of the local war-time production shipyards. Today the population of Marin City is roughly 3,000. The voting population of Marin City is roughly 7% percent Republican.
Marin City is part of Supervisorial District 3.

Unincorporated Community
Marshall is a typical dairy community in West Marin. The current population of Marshall is approximately 260. The voting population of Marshall is roughly 7% percent Republican.
Marshall is part of Supervisorial District 4.

Muir Beach
Census Designated Place
Muir Beach currently has a population of roughly 350 people. The voting population of Muir Beach is roughly 4.4% Republican.
Most of the basic services for Muir Beach are provided by the Muir Beach Community Services District.
The MBCSD is governed by a 5 member board of directors. Members of the board are elected, or appointed, in staggered 4 year terms.

Mill Valley
City of Mill Valley
The voting population of Mill Valley is roughly 7.7% percent Republican.
Mill Valley's 5 member city council typically meets on the 1st & 3rd Monday of every month.
Three seats on the Mill Valley city council will be up for election in 2024. Two seats will be up for election in 2026.

Census Designated Place
While fewer than a hundred people live in Rancho Nicasio, roughly six hundred people live in the greater Nicasio area. The voting population of Nicasio is approximately 14% Republican.
Nicasio is part of Supervisorial District 4.

City of Novato
The city of Novato is the second largest municipality in Marin. While the city of Novato was not incorporated until 1960, Rancho Novato was established in the 1830s. Modern Novato still has remnants of "old Novato" --about half the buildings in the old downtown are at least 70 years old-- but the city is very much a product of the World War II era boom created by the expansion of Hamilton Air Base. The voting population of Novato is roughly 17.35% percent Republican.
Novato's 5 member city council typically meets on the 2nd & final Tuesday of every month.
Three seats on the Novato city council will be up for election in 2024. Two seats will be up for election in 2026.

Unincorporated Community
Olema is one of the small communities by the edge of Tomales Bay. The voting population of Olema is approximately 6% Republican.
Olema is part of Supervisorial District 4.

Petaluma is the second largest city in Sonoma County. However, while Petaluma is the second largest city in Sonoma, there are roughly 410 Petaluma voters who are technically Marin County residents, not Sonoma County residents.
The Marin portion of registered Petaluma voters is 32.6% Republican.
The Marin part of Petaluma is in County Supervisor District 4.

Pt. Reyes Station
Unincorporated Community
While only a few hundred people call Pt. Reyes Station home, Pt. Reyes is the acknowledged heart of West Marin. It is the home of the only Pulitzer prize winning newspaper in Marin, the only hardware store and pharmacy in West Marin are also located in downtown Pt. Reyes.
The voting population of Pt. Reyes Station is approximately 7.6% Republican.
Pt. Reyes is part of Supervisorial District 4.

Town of Ross
The voting population of Ross is roughly 16.6% percent Republican.
Ross's 5 member town council typically meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month.
Three seats on the Ross town council will be up for election in 2024. Two seats will be up for election in 2026.

San Anselmo
Town of San Anselmo
The town of San Anselmo is today noted for its Victorian architecture and the significant movie and music personalities who have called San Anselmo home. San Anselmo, like the rest of Marin, is very much a product of the World War II era boom. The voting population of San Anselmo is roughly 9.18% percent Republican.
San Anselmo's 5 member city council typically meets on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month.
Three seats on the San Anselmo city council will be up for election in 2024. Two seats will be up for election in 2026.

San Geronimo
Census Designated Place
Fewer than 200 people live in San Geronimo.
The voting population of San Geronimo is roughly 8.15% Republican. All of the voters who live in San Geronimo live in Supervisorial District 4.

San Quentin
Unincorporated Area
The Village of Point San Quentin was established sometime in the 1850s. Today, San Quentin is primarily known for the prison of San Quentin. However, in Marin politics, San Quentin is unique in that it is one of the oldest un-incorporated communities in East Marin. It is also one of the only unincorporated areas in Marin lucky enough to have a post office.
The voting population of San Quentin is approximately 17.5% Republican.
San Quentin is part of Supervisorial District 4.

San Rafael
City of San Rafael
The city of San Rafael is the largest municipality in Marin County. San Rafael is also the county seat of Marin County. The voting population of San Rafael is roughly 11.7% percent Republican.
San Rafael is governed by a 4 member city council and a mayor. The council typically meets on the 1st & 3rd Monday of every month.

City of Sausalito
The Rancho Saucelito was founded sometime in the mid 1830s. The area grew into a thriving fishing village and railroad town by the late 19th century. As the population grew, the name changed. The City of Sausalito was incorporated in the 1890s. Today the voting population of Sausalito is roughly 9.7% percent Republican.
Sausalito's 5 member city council typically meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month.
Three seats on the Sausalito city council will be up for election in 2024. Two seats will be up for election in 2026.

Stinson Beach
Census Designated Place
The voting population of Stinson Beach is roughly 5.22% Republican. All of the voters who live in Stinson Beach live in Supervisorial District 4.

Town of Tiburon
The town of Tiburon currently has a population of just under ten thousand people. The first post office in Tiburon was opened in 1884, the town was incorporated in 1964. The voting population of Tiburon is roughly 15.6% percent Republican.
Tiburon's 5 member town council typically meets on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month.
The town of Tiburon is governed by a city council/city manager form of government.

Census Designated Place
The voting population of Tomales is roughly 16.96% Republican. All of the voters who live in Tomales live in Supervisorial District 4.

Valley Ford
Census Designated Place
In much the same way Petaluma is primarily a Sonoma County community, most of Valley Ford is in Sonoma County. However, there is a small portion of Valley Ford that is technically in Marin County.
Valley Ford is the smallest census designated place in Marin County. There are fewer than a hundred Marin County residents in Valley Ford. The voting population of Valley Ford is roughly 44.4% Republican. All of the voters who live in Valley Ford live in Supervisorial District 4.

Census Designated Place
The voting population of Woodacre is roughly 7.19% Republican. All of the voters who live in Woodacre live in Supervisorial District 4.