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As Chairman of the Marin GOP, I welcome you to our group.

You can attend our monthly meetings as posted in our Events schedule.


They are usually held on the last Thursday of the month,

starting at 7:00 p.m. and ending about 9:00 p.m.


We support the United States Constitution.  Some of our monthly programs focus on the meaning and application of these documents, as they apply in today’s world.


Other programs focus on tax initiatives, candidate races, housing, schools, fire prevention, and local issues that appear from time to time.


We hope you will join us for one or more of these meetings.

We’d like to get to know you.


We welcome suggestions to improve our organization, as well as ideas on improving our country’s local, state and national issues.  Ideas can be submitted at our monthly meeting or send us an email or letter.


Jack Wilkinson

Salve vs Solve


Jack Wilkinson



Salve:  Analgesic or medicinal ointment. To sooth, as with salve; quiet; appease. *


Solve: To find a solution:  answer; explain. To work out a correct solution to (a problem) *

*American Heritage Dictionary


       On July 4, 1776, the American colonists created a document to solve the problems between a King and the citizens who wanted freedom from the capricious and harmful edicts of that King.  This document declared, in no uncertain terms, what that solution was to be.  The second paragraph states the essence: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are created with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness---That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed,”


Subsequent to the war that followed, a new nation was born and in 1787 our Constitution, limiting the power of government over the individual, was crafted.  To further that protection against overweening government the first ten amendments, “The Bill of Rights,” was added.  That was a solution to a problem.  And it has worked rather well for the last 246 years.


However, along the way a new class of “citizen” was born.  Well actually just a holdover from the previous thousands of years of the self-aggrandizing cast of selfish power-hungry sycophants with their sniveling words of “help” in the form of look what we can do for you (with the “your money” part left unsaid) if you vote for us.


To the unsuspecting and unwary voter, it appears to be free money.  However, the smooth talk is the salve that seems to lessen the immediate discomfort.  The salve is made law yet the problem is NOT SOLVED.  It continues, aggravating the public soul, like a pebble in the shoe.  The Democrats again cry for more money, and promise to “fix” the problem.  All that is provided is more useless salve, a temporary relief in the form of “look how much good we have done” while failure continues.


In 1965 The Great Society was going to cure black poverty rates, then at 14%.  Now, 57 years and many BILLIONS of dollars later, the black poverty rate is only 16.8%. (


Why?  Oh, there are so very many reasons.  But the main cause is that too many people accepted the salve instead of the solve.


To Solve requires a certain amount of self-sacrifice.  You lose weight by not eating that extra mouthful.  Skipping the desert of pie or ice cream.  Uncomfortable, but not dangerous.  Just uncomfortable. Discipline in pursuit of a worthy goal.


The munificent words and actions of the "salve" overcome the idea of passing up that extra bite, that tasty pie or cake.


And the problems it claims to solve are not solved.  


We have been governed in the state of California by masters of misdirection and the salve of promises unfulfilled.


We now have public employee unions, which seems to me akin to wearing a belt with suspenders.  You only need one and the other becomes superfluous.  Unless, of course, the other one allows the addition of a process suited to the private world, not the public.


A civil service job was a “protected job” in that one could not be fired or dismissed without good cause.  It is true that the pay was often less than the private sector, but the protection of the civil service contract more than made up for the differential.

That is until public unions were created.  


California has civil service unions that bargain for better wages and benefits than the private sector.  They use their powerful union dues to help finance the campaigns of their bosses. They have created a sinecure for themselves. However, we have a MAJOR budget problem in California.  CalPers, the state-run pensions system is underfunded by over 200 billion Dollars.


Who is liable for those debts of the state?  I suspect it comes as no surprise that you, dear citizen, your grandchildren and their children will be paying this off for a long time.


How are they planning to solve this?  Why, a pending CalPERS-sponsored bill is troublesome. The measure, Assembly Bill 2473, would exempt details of CalPERS loans from the state’s Public Records Act, making it much more difficult for watchdogs and journalists to sniff out insider dealing.


That is the salve that you will be anointed with.  The surprise will come when the retired employees DEMAND they get what they were promised.

Citizen vs Bureaucrats


Jack Wilkinson



We are at a political cross roads in the USA today.  We have three classes of people:  The voters are one class, those elected by the voters are another class and the unelected bureaucrats are the third class.

Those elected are “hired” by the voters to do a job.  That job is really very simple:  follow the constitution and do no harm to the populace, the citizen.  We seem, as a nation, to have forgotten that those elected, or hired, can be voted out, or in the vernacular, “FIRED”  by the voters.  Being protected by incumbency, which includes various perks paid for by us, they have an inherent advantage in getting reelected.   It seems that those “hired” treat their position as a right, a sinecure, not a job.


I lay this blame on the electorate.  We pay too little attention to the performance of those elected.  It is often easier to reelect the incumbent, (the advantage of incumbency) than it is to pay attention to the continuous din of promises and just plain blandishments of many office seekers.  Thus re-election, even in spite of continuous subpar or even failure in the position, is just laziness on the part of the citizen.  We were to be a nation of citizen legislators.  It is time to think term limits.


“The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance.”


To make matters worse, the now professional “elected class,” no longer even feigning the citizen legislator intent, have created various bureaucracies to do their jobs. These unelected bureaucracies have turned into a full time “employment” with very special privileges not available to the voting citizen. That is a very real sinecure as there are no real measuring points of success or failure. Also, it seems that once hired that unless one is found guilty of murder one cannot be fired. Those employed by the government, created by those elected, are under no obligation to respond to anyone.  Certainly, not the voters who seldom, if ever, even know who, what or where these people are.


They are what is known as the “permanent class” of government.  City councils, will come and go, but those administrative posts stay employed.  State elected officials, from the Governor on down will change with each election cycle, but those employed bureaucrats will stay.  Presidents and Congress will come and go, but those employed, from the secretaries to the janitors will stay.


Those that stay know all the “secrets,” where all the bodies are buried and they, ultimately, control the levers of power.


Bureaucracies, such as the EPA, make regulations that, while not law, which has to be passed by the elected legislature, have the same effect and impact as laws.  However, the voter is unable to get them changed.  The citizen voters and taxpayers are unable to hold the people passing such regulations responsible for the negative consequences of such regulations.


We must seek out and elect candidates who recognize this dilution of Liberty.  Candidates who pay attention to the Voters' real concerns.  Candidates who will take steps to reduce, and oftentimes simply abolish these unelected bureaucracies.  Get rid of these “permanent” class of pseudo legislators who really control our “elected” governing class.


That is one of the real reasons Trump had to go.  He threatened the bureaucrat class.  He showed the way.  We, the free Citizens of the republic must take up the cudgel of Liberty and Independence and take back our rightful position of responsibility to our fellow citizens and our government.  Responsibility to Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution! 


And we MUST START HERE.  In Marin!

Those are the candidates we can support!

We have a Republic. 

We MUST keep it.



Jack Wilkinson


"liberty means responsibility"  - George Bernard Shaw

What are you? Not "who"? Are you a "citizen" or a "subject"?


What is the the United States? What are we as Americans?


Citizen or Subject?


This nation, the United States of America, was born in a revolution against a monarch who refused to recognize the rights of “free men” to determine the manner in which they operated and managed their own affairs both politically and economically.

This revolution was started by a Declaration of Independence the essence of which is: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.--  That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,--”


I have read and understood these words, from grammar school through college and beyond, that have always represented, to me, the essence of both individual Liberty and a government responsive to the people who elected them.


The Declaration goes on to say: “…That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem to most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”


In 1787 the Constitutional Convention was held and a brilliant document, The Constitution of the Untied States of America, was forged.  Madison is quoted as saying, “If men were angels no laws would be necessary…” Alas, men are not angels and thus the Constitution set forth basic laws and a system of government whose operation and care was put into the hands of elected officials determined by the voters.  This three-branch system was designed to limit the power of government over the citizen and to not have negative impacts on the rights of the citizens.  The framers were so adamant that our basic Rights were to be inviolate they added the first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, so that there would be no doubt of the limitation on that government thus created.


Are you a Citizen or Subject?


Our present government seems to have lost sight of those basic rights and continues to overstep its bounds.  Over the last 80 years our elected congressional representatives have walked away from their duties of crafting legislation by creating administrative agencies that create rules and regulations enforceable at law.  These administrators are NOT elected and not answerable to us, the citizens, who own and must control, the government. We now have a President that wants to dictate through administrative agencies (using OSHA to mandate vaccinations) just what we citizens can now do or say. That is just one glaring example.


Citizen or Subject?


A group of parents raised their voices at a school board meeting against certain subjects being taught to fertile young minds.  These parents were labeled as domestic terrorists by the Department of Justice and investigated by the FBI. There was no evidence of terrorism.  No violence, guns fired, fires started, or windows broken.   Yet, some of these parents, labeled as terrorists, are being harassed and intimidated by their very own government.


And this is but one example.  Who controls your child’s education?  What rights do you have to share your values with your child? Are your children your children? Or are they the children of the state? 


Citizens or Subjects?


If you are at all aware of what is happening you should be very concerned with the direction the woke Democrat party is leading this once proud and free nation.


Invaders pouring across our southern border and being welcomed by the President whose oath of office is to “…preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  


Citizen or Subject?


That voting laws are being ignored and non-citizens are allowed to vote in both New York and California.


Citizen or Subject?


You are responsible for what you are! 


I ask you to join us, the Marin County Republican Central Committee, to elect candidates and FIGHT to remain as we were designed: A Constitutional Republic.

Be responsible!

Be a Citizen!


Jack Wilkinson

2021-22 Chair, Marin County Republican Central Committee


Citizens Choice


Jack Wilkinson



To pursue something is to follow, or chase, such as  Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  The choice is yours to make.  To pursue a career, a desire to climb a mountain, swim a river or run a marathon.  To write a book, a song or a poem.  To build a house or bake a cake.  Any and all are your choice, which is why it is part and parcel of the American ethos. 


That ethos is spelled out in the second paragraph of The Declaration of Independence.  The right to that choice is granted by our Creator and is an unalienable Right.  “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”. Our Constitution was written to limit government. To make sure that the RIGHT to pursue, to make whatever choice we, each of us, wishes to pursue remain ours we MUST fight the tyranny of the administrative state composed of unelected bureaucrats that write regulations that have the full force and effect of law. 


Our government was set up in three equal branches, Executive, Judicial and Legislative.  Three equal but separate branches. Our government was not designed to impose tyrannical rules on subjects. Our government was designed to serve the citizens.


Unfortunately, it appears that we are losing that idea to an ever-increasing administrative state. Our Life and Liberty are being directed by the tyranny of the minority.  


It also appears the Democrats are encouraging this trend and becoming the party of tyranny.


Your choice will be determined by whether you want Freedom and Liberty. Do you want to live under the yoke of the unelected bureaucrats?


Our Constitution was written specifically to LIMIT the intrusion of government into our INDIVIDUAL lives.  We, the voting citizens, must reclaim our American birthright.


Vote Republican.

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