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Progressive Nightmare: San Francisco 2020

This is the San Francisco Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want you to see.

This is San Francisco in 2020. This is a nightmare America needs to wake up and see. This is a nightmare that could come to your city if Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and the New Left have their way.

Like a lot of American cities San Francisco is a stronghold of the Democratic Party, a stronghold of the New Left and a stronghold of Progressive policies. Like a lot of American cities San Francisco has become a nightmare. A nightmare created by Progressive policies. A nightmare progressive politicians like Nancy Pelosi don’t want you to see.

Quite frankly, Nancy Pelosi would probably rather you focused on her haircut. (Her hypocritical mask-free maybe illegal haircut.)

But this is about more than a haircut. This is about more than hypocrisy. This is about what unfettered Progressive politicians can do to a once great American city.

This footage is the stuff of nightmares. And it is current day reality in San Francisco.

We need to vote against Progressives. We need to save America. We can't afford to let the rot spread.

If this speaks to you... please share. Please watch. This is what I saw in San Francisco in this grim year of 2020. This is an American tragedy. This is real.

The Progressive politicians aren’t interested in the decay and carnage in the city streets. The police cruise by the dealers staring straight ahead. The citizens jaywalk to the other side of the street to escape having to step over a body on the sidewalk. We’ve been told not to see the wreckage. We’ve chosen not to feel the heartbreak. We’ve become a heartless city of broken dreams. A city of boarded windows, locked doors, closed businesses.

This is about the broken dreams of small business people. Every boarded up storefront represents the broken dreams of an ordinary American. This is about saving America from the ravages of Progressive policies.

If this speaks to you... please share. Please watch. This is what I saw in San Francisco in this grim year of 2020. This is an American tragedy. This is real. This is Progressive America. This is what we are fighting against.

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