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Voter Registration

We reach out to our community through registration events, one-on-one citizen outreach within our precincts and enthusiastically sharing our platform. 

Events go on throughout the year with special focus on local elections. It is through local elections that we are best able to truly impact our Marin community.


Watch for updates here and in the MarinGOP monthly newsletter for event dates and locations.


Article II of the bylaws of the Marin County Republican Central Committee state:

"The objective(s) of the MCRCC shall be to register citizens as Republican voters."

Upcoming Voter Registration Tables

Stay Tuned! Our Voter Reg Team Is Taking A Few Well Deserved Weeks Off While Planning An Exciting New Outreach Program. (Yes, sitting at a folding table in front of hardware store is a fun, but we want numbers! We want to up Republican Voter Registration in significant and strategic fashion.


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Want to get involved? Volunteer? Want to register to vote? Re-register as a Republican? Have a great idea for a location for a voter registration table? Contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.

Chris Baer

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